Primary Day is just around the corner, and with that comes one of my favorite things. That is, of course, getting that little "I Voted" sticker. I love the designs that people come up with for their local sticker, New York has a great one and, as recently pointed out by John Oliver in a segment of Last Week Tonight, Louisiana also recently made an update to theirs even winning an award from the Election Assistance Committee.

I found the John Oliver clip thanks to it being posted by my state's Secretary of State, and I of course had to tweet back that Connecticut should upgrade the stickers we give out. We always give out the stock red white and blue I Voted ones that have no uniqueness or anything fun about them and as the Secretary of State pointed out stickers do make the process of voting more fun. That is all I needed to hear and my brain went off designing what I hoped would be our state's new I Voted Sticker.

My first two sketches are very bad but, that's besides the point, I wanted to include a whale because one of Connecticut's favorite things is our old hockey team that moved away which were the Hartford Whalers. They moved to one of the Carolinas and became the Hurricanes. I also wanted it to be simple because I have worked with campaigns and they usually don't want a ton of color in any one design because color gets expensive.

I didn't love the first sketch when I turned it into a design but, this version I really enjoyed. I don't know what steps to take next but, I will figure that out and update this page when I do so.